Come and See: a sermon from 19th January 2020

If you haven’t heard a child say “come and see – look at what I’ve discovered!” – perhaps you’ll recall saying this when you were a child. Something happened and you couldn’t keep it to yourself; you wanted someone else to be a part of your life. We invite our spouse, colleague, friend, person we trust to see what we’ve accomplished even now – and want in turn to celebrate and see their moments too. These moments of epiphany: Jesus likewise invites us into a relationship with him – to come and see.

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Breaking barriers for equality: a sermon from 29th September 2019

Some 795 million people – one in nine of all people on the planet – do not have enough food to live a healthy life: but of the haves vs have nots, one percent of the worlds population account for over half the worldy wealth. There’s a huge divide between human beings in a world God intended to be equal: do we choose not to notice the boundary of rich and poor?

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