Sunday the 20th December is the the fourth (and final!) Sunday of Advent – and for our 10am service today it’s back to St Mark’s taking the lead with our now more appropriately timed Christmas tree and comfy sofa (I think we are allowed a tree up now!) St Thomas’ provide the music, prayers and sermon.
Sunday the 6th December is the the Second Sunday of Advent – and for our 10am service today it’s back to St Mark’s taking the lead with our now the normal for 2020 Christmas tree and comfy sofa (how many do you know with their tree up now too?) St Thomas’ provide the music, prayers and sermon – which today, talks about a key ideal for Advent: Peace. Shalom!
Our director of music, Leigh Jerwood, also sings in an a cappella group:
‘Straight Bananas’. Singing a variety of eclectic music including music hall, comedy, classical, folk and pop including of course some Christmas music!
Our service for the fouth Sunday of Advent, as we focus on Mary – mother of Christ and the promise we have in a new life at Christmas. What would you wish for a new child: what would you want to protect them from experiencing? Our thanks also for the gift to the church from Phillip and Frances – a twinned toilet – and for eighteen years service, preparing the altar for communion services, Freida who passes the torch to another.
Notices for Sunday 22nd December, with details of our upcoming services and events.
Notices for Sunday 15th December, with details of our upcoming services at St Mark’s. Read on for further details of our Christmas services and events!
Notices for Sunday 8th December, with details of our upcoming services and events at St Mark’s. Find out more about how you can celebrate Christmas with us!
Advent is a time to give time to consider and be thankful for the coming celebration for Christ – how are you thinking about the season?
As Advent begins, we celebrate the anticipation of Christmas Day through Advent with a special service of hymns, readings and choir pieces at St Mark’s.
The January edition of our parish magazine is available now in church: but why not download the last edition now? Want to advertise in our magazine – get in touch with us to find out more!