Sunday the 14th March is the fourth Sunday of Lent but it’s also Mothering Sunday – we hope you’re going to treat your mum to something special! For our 10am service it’s St Mark’s leading as today we focus on cathedrals (and Mums!)
Sunday the 7th March is the third Sunday of Lent and for our 10am service it’s St Thomas taking a lead as today we focus on creativity in prayer with St Mark’s throwing out a few ideas!
Sunday the 28th February is the Second Sunday of Lent and for our 10am service it’s Paul and Eve – BCM Worship and Creation Care – who are taking the lead with a focus on fair trade. How we shop makes a difference – a cheap deal for us can mean continued poverty for others and detrimental climate change for us all!
Wednesday 17th February is Ash Wednesday and St Mark’s and St Thomas churches come together for a 6pm service of ashing. Ash Wednesday focuses the Christian’s heart on repentance and prayer, through personal and communal confession.
With Ash Wednesday nearly upon us, the start of Lent is not far behind. As we are unable to meet in the building to remember the start of this important part of the Christian calendar together, you may still wish to ash yourself, during our shared online service with St Thomas and All Saints, Lymington – that will be going out at 6pm on the 17th February.
As St Mark’s #LiveLent, today we focus on water. Central to all life on Earth but we know also that Jesus is a spiritual life through water – a living water – for humanity: through whom we shall never thirst.
Notices for Sunday 1st March – with details of our upcoming services and events.
Our focus today as we start Lent is on the ash in Ash Wednesday. What is the significance of ashing? Why does it matter that we adorn ourselves in an ash cross? And how can we reflect our faith in Christ with more than a mark on our skin for others to see in the weeks to come?
Notices for Sunday 23rd February, with details of our upcoming services and events.
Notices for Sunday 16th February, with details of our upcoming services and events.