Humble King: a sermon from 24th November 2019

“Lo, he comes with clouds descending” – a fantastic hymn for this day from Charles Wesley, but as you listen to the lyrics, are you comfortable with the language? Power, glory, claiming the kingdom, thrones, people, nations – the language all of being under subjection to Jesus the King. But Jesus was a king who was different: he doesn’t conform to the pictures usually associated with kingship, with earthly glory and power. Rather, the King we follow is a servant king.

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Breaking barriers for equality: a sermon from 29th September 2019

Some 795 million people – one in nine of all people on the planet – do not have enough food to live a healthy life: but of the haves vs have nots, one percent of the worlds population account for over half the worldy wealth. There’s a huge divide between human beings in a world God intended to be equal: do we choose not to notice the boundary of rich and poor?

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