Striving for peace: a sermon from 10th November 2019

Faced with all the evil in the world, and all that is going wrong, do we just feel powerless? What can we do about Syria, Iraq, Iran – and conflicts here and now in the western hemisphere? But we can – in our own lives – strive to live in a different way. We can because we are the body of Christ and through Christ can strive towards all that builds peace.

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Press Release: Pennington Poppies

Pennington Poppies are back! People from across our communities have been hard at work knitting and crocheting poppies. Revd Rachel Noël, the Priest-in-Charge at St Mark’s Church Pennington, appealed to the whole community to get involved. So far, almost 2,000 poppies have been made this year by people across the community, from the church, the WI, the bingo ladies at Pennington Sports & Social Club, local care homes, and many others – these will be added to the 2,000 that had already been made last year!

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