Ecochurch is part of the A Rocha movement, and to become an Ecochurch, churches complete the unique online Eco Survey about how they are caring for God’s earth in different areas of their life and work. The answers they provide collect points towards an Eco Church Award – the more the church does, the more points they get!
The survey takes each church through five key areas of church life:
- Worship and teaching
- Management of church buildings
- Management of church land
- Community and global engagement
- Lifestyle
Here at St Mark’s, we are grateful to everyone who has made it possible for us to be awarded the Bronze level for EcoChurch, which requires a basic level of proactive engagement with caring for the environment across a broad spectrum as listed above. Much has been attained through policies on our buildings and land, and through the cooperation of our events team and cooks with Fairtrade and local food and drinks, as well as by everyone’s recycling efforts and many other ways. As stewards of creation we are called to protect and sustain the area we are responsible for and be an example for those around us.
We are now working towards our Silver award, and we encourage you to further commitment, supported by our team from our church and community who are leading us forward.
We have a bright and cheerful notice board, and we encourage individual members of the church to look at their own lifestyles as well as how we make changes as a community in church. Our EcoAward is well deserved, but our overall aim is to change and sustain ways of living to care and protect the environment around us, both locally and globally, which has been entrusted to us by God, our Creator.
If you would like to know more or become involved, please contact Teresa Nivison at or phone 07541842025 – or Eve Jolly at or phone 07938699008.