The craft group meets on the second and fourth Tuesday afternoons in the Community Hall in The Square, from 1.30 to 4pm. There is always someone on hand to teach a new craft, and from time to time we have visiting speakers. Whether your interest is crochet, knitting, card-making, sewing, cross stitch or painting, don’t be shy – come and join us!
Enquiries to Dorothy on 01590 676163.
Please when is your next meet up for sewing, knitting card-making and such? I just moved into the area.
Good evening Eileen; next meeting on the 11th November – 1:30pm in the Community Hall 😊
I have just read your reply. Do you have weekly meet up at the community hall center?
Hi Eileen; the Strictly Come Crafting group meet up on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at the Community Hall: do pop along, they’d love to welcome you 😊