Christmas – not just for the children: a sermon from 24th December 2019

Is Christmas just for the children? It’s fair to say that children are a focus for the season – but it’s certainly not, if we mean it’s something we grow out of as we get older. Rather, we should grow into Christmas – there’s so much more to Christ, than the story of a birth. Jesus is the light of the world – Christmas is so much more when we follow Christ, as we are pulled from the darkness to live in the light.

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Treasures of heaven: a sermon from 11th August 2019

Predictions for the end of the world are running at roughly one a year: the next is on track for 2020. In 2012, polls over twenty countries found that over 40% of people believed the end of the world would come within their life times. Does it mean anything to us: are we focusing on the treasure in heaven that matters – or on ourselves?

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