The Week ahead…
Date | Time | Event |
Sun 15th | 08:00 | Holy Communion |
09:30 | Family Communion | |
16:45 | “Yes to Life” Lent Course, St Thomas | |
18:30 |
Evensong | |
Tue 17th | 15:30 | Messy Church, Community Hall |
Wed 18th | 10:15 | Coffee Morning, St Mark’s Room |
11:30 | Holy Communion | |
18:00 | Easter Yarn assembling, St Mark’s | |
19:00 | “Broken” Lent group, St Mark’s room | |
Thu 19th | 14:15 | “Behold the Man” Lent Course, URC |
Sat 21st | 14:00 | Spring Fair with Easter Egg Hunt |
Sun 22nd | 08:00 | Holy Communion |
09:30 | Morning Praise for Mothering Sunday | |
16:45 | “Yes to Life” Lent Course, St Thomas |
Please Pray for…
In need of prayer: Kit, Michael, Jill and Brian, Rachel G, Tony, Caroline, Kevin, G, Alex, Paul, Maggie, Barrie, Ilse, Alexander, Bryan, Sarah, Shirley (Crochet)
Years Mind: Joyce Gardner, Brian Baker
Neighbourhood Prayers
Share together with us in prayer for the streets and those who live and work in and around Pennington throughout the week:
15 | Coffee team |
16 | Our PCC |
17 | St Patrick, patron saint of Ireland |
18 | Wednesday coffee morning group |
19 | Messy Church |
20 | International Day of Happiness |
21 | Elimination of racial discrimination |
With Lent now upon us, the Church of England have daily reflections available through a handy mobile app! Search for LiveLent via your phone app store – and look out for printed material in church too.
Spring Fair 21st March
This Annual Event is nearly upon us! Still needed, for the plant stall are plants, bulbs and so forth. Also, any donations of bric-a-brac, draw prizes, Tombola prizes, home made cakes of all varieties would be appreciated!
Muscle needed on the day, for putting up tables, gazebos and such, after the 9.30am service: can you help?
And of course, lots and lots of customers! Tell your friends and neighbours, pslease help make this event a success for St Mark’s Church in the community, in any way you can.
Pennington Litter Pick
Please help to Spring Clean our village on Saturday 4th April! Starting at 10am until 12 noon. We will meet at St Marks Church on Ramley Road. Equipment will be provided by the Council: hope to see you there.
Could you be a parish visitor?
St John’s in Hythe are organising some training days for Parish Visitors. You are most welcome to join in on March 25th and April 22nd from 2:30-4:30pm. This will be an interactive course with discussion and role play, with time between training days for reflection, discussion and discernment. Drinks will be provided and there will be no charge, all are welcome. If you are interested please contact St John’s office 02380 844336
COVID-19 and St Mark’s?
As part of updated guidance on coronavirus issued by the Church of England, it is recmmended that clergy should not to share the chalice and we are encouraged not to shake hands during the ‘Sign of the Peace’ in services. Further more, priests should suspend direct physical contact as part of a blessing or ‘laying on of hands’.
Therefore St Mark’s will only be offering communion in one part, through the bread.
The advice from the NHS in regards to keeping safe from COVID-19 is to exercise good hygine – simply washing hands is enough to kill the virus that causes this disease – and to limit physical contact with others, where the disease can spread more readily. Furthermore, ensuring coughs and sneezes are caught in a tissue which is then disposed of can help prevent the spread of illness.
As many may have noticed, we had a problem with the heating in church a couple of weeks ago; fortunately repaired, but at a cost of over £400. Your donations and giving towards the work we do and the upkeep of our church buildings is always appreciated and if you’re able to help further towards this unexpected expense, we’d be incredibly grateful!
Sharing via social media?
As you may know, St Mark’s has an active Facebook community, where we share details of what we’re up to in Pennington, along with a wide range of posts, videos and pictures – search Facebook for us by ‘StMarksChurchPennington’. Did you know that Facebook offers you the ability to share a birthday fundraiser – inviting your own friends and followers on Facebook to donate to a chosen cause? Perhaps you might like to consider us as your own birthday comes around!