An update for Palm Sunday

Covid 19

Following the Government’s decision to lift coronavirus restrictions amid decreasing infection rates, we no longer require those entering the building to attend services to wear a face covering in our services.

However, we still strongly encourage our congregation to wear face coverings whilst in the building (unless exempt) to drive down transmission of coronavirus and to keep each other as safe as possible.

As the daily statistics have disappeared from our news, please let us continue to stay safe and take care of our vulnerable neighbours as they navigate this season.

The following activities are taking place each week. All are welcome to join us:


  • 8am – BCM Communion Service
  • 10am – Contemporary Service (Communion service on the first and third Sunday of the month, informal morning praise on the second and fourth Sunday of the month)


  • 9-9:20am Morning Prayer on Zoom with Sarah and Jane – Parish Prayer zoom link
  • 10:30am-12 – Zoom Study group on Pennington Church general zoom link


  • 9-9:20am Morning Prayer on Zoom with Sarah and Jane – Parish Prayer zoom link
  • 11am-12 – TakeTime Meditation Group on Zoom – Parish Prayer zoom link


  • 9-9:20am Morning Prayer on Zoom with Sarah and Jane – Parish Prayer zoom link
  • 10:15-11am – Zoom Coffee on Pennington Church general zoom link


  • 9-9:20am Morning Prayer on Zoom with Sarah and Jane – Parish Prayer zoom link
  • 1-2:30pm – Fareshare Larder – St Mark’s Community Hall Car Park


  • 9-9:20am – Morning Prayer on Zoom with Sarah and Jane – Parish Prayer zoom link


  • 9-10 Parish prayers on zoom, followed by coffee – Parish Prayer zoom link

Upcoming Easter services

With Lent drawing to a close, we’re nearly upon Easter. Join us at St Mark’s where we host the following services through this period:

  • Compline
    From Monday 11th through to Wednesday 13th at 7pm in St Mark’s
  • Maundy Thursday
    Thursday 14th at 7pm in St Mark’s
  • Stations of the Cross
    Good Friday from 2pm at St Mark’s
  • Easter Sunday
    8am BCP Communion and 10am Contemporary Communion at St Mark’s

Concert for Ukraine

Christians Together, Lymington and Pennington hosted a concert for Ukraine on the 26th March – and have this to share about the event:

Dear Friends,

We write on behalf of Christians Together in Lymington and Pennington with a gigantic thank you for your contribution to the concert at St Thomas Church on Saturday evening. What a night? Sorry if it was a long evening for some people, particularly those having to wait until the second half to perform, but that was testimony to your commitment to support the people of Ukraine.

Normally concerts are planned at least three months in advance with good promotional publicity, tickets and plenty of rehearsal time. None of that happened, but the quality of performances was exceptionally high, promotional material was not needed as people wanted to be there and we made more without ticket sales than we would have done with!!

The total proceeds from the evening were £2,600 which will be delivered this week to support the work of the Salvation Army in Ukraine and neighbouring countries. That is a tribute to the generosity of the people of Lymington and Pennington and we thank you for contributing to such a memorable evening.

This is also an appreciation for the work of the many people in the background who made the evening such a success, including the hands that turned the pages for the organist to play the music!

So, whether you were performing on the night, serving refreshments, attending in the audience, donating raffle prizes of doing something else I have forgotten to mention, thank you. No, much bigger than that:

Thank you!


Richard Becher and Carol Richards

Lymington Open Gardens 2022

Something for your calendar for later in the year: Sunday 29 May 2 pm – 6 pm

Lymington Open Gardens is a popular event in the Lymington social calendar. It returns this year on Sunday 29 May from 2-6pm, and features fifteen gardens, including four new ones.  The event is organised by the Friends of St Barbe Museum + Art Gallery,  with all profits helping the museum care for and display its unique collection, mount exciting art exhibitions and further the museum’s extensive outreach programme – putting the community at the heart of everything we do.

The gardens vary in size from small, urban, courtyards to more expansive lawned gardens, featuring long established gardens as well as those newly planted.  On the High Street there is one of Lymington’s original town gardens while, nearby, another offers an oasis of calm.  Some gardens have been specifically designed, one as a sensory garden, another featuring gravel to counter a high water table. Other gardens feature raised beds and themed fairy gardens for the grandchildren, vegetable plots, experiments in advanced composting techniques, chickens, as well as ponds, pergolas and patios in varying styles.  In one garden you can see what may be the oldest plane tree in England, whilst another features a magnificent Scarlet Oak. Whether you are a plants-person or are interested in garden design and layout, or you just enjoy the beauty of the garden, you are bound to find a garden to suit your tastes. And the garden owners will be on hand to answer your questions.

Admission to the gardens is by programme, costing £7.50 per adult. These will be available throughout May from the St Barbe Museum shop in New Street and from 2.00pm on 29 May at any one of the participating gardens. The programme includes a map to help you plan your afternoon.  Teas with home-made cakes will be available at the United Reformed Church on the High Street and the Old School Cafe at the museum will also be open for teas, coffees, light lunches and cake.  There will be several plants stalls, including outside the museum. While many gardens are within walking distance of each other, a bicycle might enable you to visit all fifteen. Parking details are also given on the programme. Nearly all gardens are accessible by wheelchair, at least in part.


Strictly come crafting

…is starting up again on Tuesday 12th April from 1.30 – 4pm in the Community Hall. Come along to meet friends, chat and make cards, knit, crochet, sew, or repair. With refreshments.

Queens Platinum Jubilee

Pennington and Lymington come together for an open air Jubilee thanksgiving service for at 11am on the 5th June.

Download the flyer and share this event wide!

Coffee meetings

Join our online coffee available on Wednesday morning from 10:15am – we are a small group taking an opportunity for us to be together in fellowship and conversation outside of the service times. All are welcome to join the meeting on Zoom and the link is below.

We are so aware of our need to connect with each other as the world opens up again and we would love to hear from you with your thoughts and suggestions for establishing this connection again. Please let us know if you have any thoughts to assist us in this.

Lent Course – Study

We do hope that many of you have engaged with the materials available for Lent reflections at this time. Our Monday study group have continued with our journey on reflecting on the Psalms with many in depth conversations around the theme.

We pray that, at this time of reflection, we all will find time to reflect on the Word of God and find fellowship in our discussions and worship.

St Marks Monthly Draw

The new draw club year starts and application forms are available from our website here – we draw on the last coffee morning of the month and you might be a winner!

Get involved; would you like to contribute with readings or intercessions?

Key parts of a church services are in sharing the wisdom within our Bibles and through prayer, giving thanks and sharing our fears and concerns with our loving God.

If you would like to contribute to the work we do in the form of the readings or leading in prayer, do please get in touch – we’d love to include you in our services. You don’t have to be able to be in the building for reading either; we can include you pre-recorded too!

Get in touch – we’d love to hear from you.

Daily Prayer

With St Thomas in Lymington, we continue to ‘pray for our nation, for its leaders, its health and essential services and all those who suffer’ this week at 9am on Zoom. Led by Jane Nicholson from St Mark’s and Sarah Salisbury from St Thomas, this now runs Monday through Friday.

Coming together, we offer daily prayer for the situation in Ukraine.

Please do join them either by computer or phone:

  • Meeting ID: 895 2990 2640 Passcode: 2020
  • Dial in from a landline phone: 0131 460 1196

St Mark’s Flower Decoration

If you would like to give flowers to commemorate an anniversary or other special day, or remember a relative or friend, please enter your name on the poster at the back of church against the date you would like your flowers to decorate the church and/or contact:- Lin Haley on 01590 677904

Rachel’s art for sale!

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If you’d like to purchase art that our priest Rachel has created and showed in our our worship recently, please check out our new Red Bubble shop. Profits from sales of these items all go to support the ministry of Pennington Church.

YouTube and Facebook

All our services can be found on our YouTube channel here. We also stream our services on our Facebook page too, here.

Online Connection Information

Zoom Details

  • Pennington Church General Zoom link:
  • From a landline phone: 0203 481 5240 Meeting ID: 971 631 0618 Passcode: 1839
  • Parish Prayer Zoom Link:
  • From a landline phone: 0203 481 5240 Meeting ID: 895 2990 2640 Passcode: 2020


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