Coming by night: A sermon from 8th March 2020

Nicodemus ‘came to Jesus by night’: the night and darkness bring fears: for nothing to do we pray the Evening Collect. Some have said that Nicodemus was hiding in the darkness. By day Nicodemus knows who he is. He has an identity. He is a Pharisee. He has a role and a reputation as a leader of the Jews. He is ‘Israel’s teacher’. But by night Nicodemus is confused: and so comes to Jesus to be illuminated.

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Jesus: love in the face of fear

It’s Good Friday. Today, we remember Jesus, and his journey to the cross. Pádraig Ó Tuama writes: “For me, Good Friday is the holiest day of the year. Not because of any worth in another brutal murder from another brutal occupying force. But because of the witness of a life lived with courage, even in the face of Roman torture. There are only two languages, Leunig says, love and fear.”

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