At this time of year, some folk are on holiday, others are looking forward to going away, or having friends come and visit.
While time to relax clearly helps our bodies, and time praying with God clearly restores our souls – and these are the chief aims of our rest day – it is unlikely we will spend a whole 24 hours resting and praying, unless we are on a Christian retreat. So, what can we do? We can pray to God whatever we are doing – while setting time aside to pray is the best way, if we can’t do this for whatever reason, we can all pray while we cook a meal, do the washing up, dress a child, or while we are walking or driving. We can
3 all have an attitude of love as we deliver our neighbour’s shopping, feed a relative, or make a hospital visit. We can do everything through the love and strength given to us by God when we do His will in our lives.
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