The Week ahead…
Date | Time | Event |
Sun 15th | 08:00 | Holy Communion |
08:40 | Coffee Morning, St Mark’s Room | |
09:30 | Family Communion, with children’s church | |
18:00 | Evensong | |
Wed 18th | 10:15 | Coffee Morning, St Mark’s Room |
19:00 | Pilgrim: The Beatitudes | |
11:30 | Holy Communion | |
Sun 22nd | 08:00 | Holy Communion |
08:40 | Coffee Morning, St Mark’s Room | |
09:30 | Morning Praise |
Please Pray for…
In need of prayer: Mary and Ted, Kit, Michael, Jill and Brian, Rachel G, Tony, Caroline, Kevin, G, Alex, Paul, Maggie, Barrie, Ilse, Alexander, Bryan, Selatin
Recently Deceased: Jean Meffen
Years Mind: Stanley Knight
Neighbourhood Prayers
Share together with us in prayer for the streets and those who live and work in and around Pennington throughout the week:
15 | Those Who have cancer |
16 | Pinetops Close |
17 | Messy Church |
18 | Our families |
19 | Church leaders |
20 | International Day of Peace |
21 | Chloe and Kane, on their wedding day |
Pilgrim Course – the Beatitudes
Our successful Pilgrim course groups will be meeting again during the evenings to discuss the New Testament’s response to the Ten Commandments; the Beatitudes! All are welcome to join us from 7pm in the St Mark’s Room in church – meeting on the 11th, 18th and 25th September and on the 2nd, 9th and 23rd October.
Pilgrim Course – The Commandments
Our Pilgrim sessions are returning in the day too, taking the topic of the Commandments to task! Starting on Monday 30th September at 11am, and continuing on the 7th and 21st October, 4th and 18th November and concluding on the 2nd December. Join us in the St Mark’s room!
Samaritan’s Purse Shoebox Appeal
If you would like to have a shoebox to fill for a needy child for Christmas, this will be available from the 15th September! If you prefer, there will also be a collection box at the back of church for donations of gifts. For further details, please speak with Shirley.
Blooming Great Tea Party
On Saturday 21st September, from 2 to 4pm, St Mark’s are hosting in our community hall a charity afternoot tea party – all donations towards Marie Curie nurses care, for people living in the UK with terminal illnesses. Can you help us to serve refreshments on the day?
Foundation Governor
We have a vacancy for a Foundation Governor for Pennington Junior School. If you are interested in supporting us with this important work with our Church Junior School, please talk to Rachel.
Bluebird Care Wellbeing Session
On Thursday 19th September, from 10:30am to 12:30pm Bluebird Care wellbeing session is open to senior members in our community, their families, friends and carers. Their sessions provide a relaxing friendly environment for you to enjoy a cuppa and meet new people. They want to invite you, your friends and family members who care for a loved one, in order to create a strong supportive network.
There will be a range of themed activities from arts and crafts, puzzles, jigsaws, gardening and games. Attendees will also have the opportunity to enjoy a hot drink, biscuits, cakes and a chat. They hope to give you an opportunity to spend quality time away from home and engage with other people. Why not take advantage of our new social adventure that let you meet, share and connect with others?
Bluebird care is also looking for volunteers to help at our wellbeing session: please contact Bluebird Care New Forest if you want to join their sessions or volunteer by telephone on 01590 678340 or via email to
New Forest Basics Bank
With the season of harvest approaching, please remember the needs of those who rely on the services of ‘New Forest Basics Bank’. Donation points at the Co-op garage on the Ampress roundabout and in Waitrose will gladly take your donations, as well as a collection point at St Mark’s and to Basics Bank directly at the rear of the United Reformed Church on Lymington highstreet.
Harvest Lunch
Our harvest lunch which is being held on 6th October at the Community Hall is once again being kindly prepared by Lanes of Lymington restaurant.
The price is £13.50 and there is a list at back of church for you to add your names to.
Priestlands: An Ancient Pennington Estate
Will you join us for a fully illustrated talk, hosted by local historians Geraldine Beech and Pauline Shirley? Coming up on Saturday 28th September from 2:30pm, tickets are available on the door at £5 per person, to include light refreshments. All proceeds towards the work of St Mark’s in the community.
Capturing memories of St Mark’s
We’re eager to document St Mark’s over the decades – and would welcome any photographs visitors to our church may have taken, and would like to share with us! Weddings, funerals, baptisms, confirmations, events and special services: our church is often central to the community – would you have photos you can share with at all?
Churchyard Tidyup
In the Autumn we aim, with the help of the Community, to spend a day giving the churchyard an extra clear up – covering more areas than our monthly helpers can manage. If you can assist in this way or with refreshments, please speak with Ingrid or Maureen. The date is Saturday 5th October meeting from 10am at the Church.
Monthly, members of our churchard team spend time to keep areas of the church grounds neat and tidy, but once or twice a year we invite the community to help us to really make our churchyard especially welcoming for all in Pennington.
Mobile Wellbeing Project
Delivered in partnership by hArt and Solent Mind to communities in the New Forest and Waterside area next week, the Mobile Wellbeing Project will visit six locations between the 18th-20th September.
On Thursday 19th September, they will be at the Pennington Fish & Chip Shop Forecourt between 1:30 and 3:30pm. They look forward to meeting as many people as possible whilst they are out and about on those days – feel free to pop along!