Notices for the sixteenth Sunday after Trinity

The Week ahead…

Date Time Event
Sun 6th 08:00 Holy Communion
  10:30 Family Worship for Harvest
  12:00 Harvest Lunch, Community Hall (pre-purchased ticket)
  18:00 Evensong with Act of Healing
Mon 7th 11:00 Pilgrim Course, The Commandments, St Mark’s Room
  13:30 Church Cleaning Team
Wed 9th 10:15 Coffee Morning, St Mark’s Room
  11:30 Holy Communion
  19:00 Pilgrim Course, The Beatitudes, St Mark’s Room
Sun 13th 08:00 Holy Communion
  09:30 Family Communion

Please Pray for…

In need of prayer: Mary and Ted, Kit, Michael, Jill and Brian, Rachel G, Tony, Caroline, Kevin, G, Alex, Paul, Maggie, Barrie, Ilse, Alexander, Bryan, Selatin
Years Mind: Karen Maidment, David Smith

Neighbourhood Prayers

Share together with us in prayer for the streets and those who live and work in and around Pennington throughout the week:

6 Hillside Road
7 Fox Pond Lane
8 Those who are victims of prejudice
9 Fishermen
10 Those with Mental illness
11 Meadow Road
12 Gainsborough Court

Pilgrim Course – the Beatitudes

Our successful Pilgrim course groups will be meeting again during the evenings to discuss the New Testament’s response to the Ten Commandments; the Beatitudes! All are welcome to join us from 7pm in the St Mark’s Room in church – meeting for the fifth session on the 9th October and concluding on the 23rd October.

Pilgrim Course – The Commandments

Our Pilgrim sessions are returning in the day too, taking the topic of the Commandments to task! Our second session is on Monday 7th October at 11am, and continues on the and 21st October, 4th and 18th November and concluding on the 2nd December. Join us in the St Mark’s room!

Capturing memories of St Mark’s

We’re eager to document St Mark’s over the decades – and would welcome any photographs visitors to our church may have taken, and would like to share with us! Weddings, funerals, baptisms, confirmations, events and special services: our church is often central to the community – would you have photos you can share with at all?

CTLP Hospital Thanksgiving Service

On Sunday 20th October from 3pm, please join ‘Christians Together Lymington and Pennington‘ for a  thanksgiving service at the out-patients department of Lymington Hospital – supporting the important work of our hospital and local care services.

Led by hospital chaplain Linda Lee with Revd. Alison John of Ashley Baptist Church.

Churchyard Tidyup

In the Autumn we aim, with the help of the Community, to spend a day giving the churchyard an extra clear up – covering more areas than our monthly helpers can manage. If you can assist in this way or with refreshments, please speak with Ingrid or Maureen.  The date is Saturday 5th October meeting from 10am at the Church.

Monthly, members of our churchard team spend time to keep areas of the church grounds neat and tidy, but once or twice a year we invite the community to help us to really make our churchyard especially welcoming for all in Pennington.

Bishops Commission for Mission

Sandy, already having completed the Bishops Commission for Mission (BCM) sessions with a focus on leading in worship services has put in the effort to add another feather to her cap – and is celebrating the completion of the BCM for Children and Families at a special service at Winchester Cathedral, on Saturday 12th October from 11am.

All welcome to show Sandy our support for her efforts!

New Forest Street Pastors Concert

Do come along and support New Forest South Street Pastors with an evening of song as the Bournemouth Male Voice Choir in concert with the Friday Girls perform at St Saviours Church, Brockenhurst!

Coming up on Saturday 12th October from 7pm, entry is free with refreshments available – and a retiring collection towards the valuable work the Street Pastors perform in our communities.

New Forest Basics Bank

With the season of harvest approaching, please remember the needs of those who rely on the services of ‘New Forest Basics Bank’. They suggest that they are especially in need of:

  • Tinned goods – such as hot and cold meals, hot dogs, meat balls, fish such as tuna, sardines or pilchards, vegetables – such as peas, carrots, mixed veg, sweetcorn or potatoes, chickpeas, kidney beans or butter beans – fruit, custard or rice pudding.
  • Jarred goods such as marmalade or jam (not homemade please), UHT milk coffee, puddings.
  • Soups, packet noodles, rice, savoury biscuits.
  • Bathroom items, such as toothpaste and tooth brushes.
  • Kitchen items, such as kitchen rolls, J-cloths, washing up liquid and washing powder.

Weekly Giving Envelopes

If you kindly donate to the work St Mark’s do through the weekly giving envelopes, these are available now from the back of church – please speak to Maureen for further information.

Your donations are what allow us to do all that we do in sharing a Christian message to our community and beyond. If you want to find out more about how your giving can make a difference at St Mark’s, further details can be found at our website:

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