The Week ahead…
Date | Time | Event |
Sun 2nd | 08:00 | Holy Communion (Said, BCP) with refreshments following |
09:30 | Family Communion with Children’s Church | |
18:00 | Rogation Service | |
Mon 3rd | 11:00 | Pilgrim Course |
13:30 | Church cleaning team | |
Tue 4th | 19:00 | Say a Prayer for Me, outside One Stop, Pennington |
20:00 | Evening Prayer for Thy Kingdom Come, St Mark’s | |
Wed 5th | 09:00 | Morning Prayer, Thy Kingdom Come, St Mark’s |
10:15 | Coffee Morning, St Mark’s Room (church) | |
11:30 | Holy Communion | |
19:00 | Pilgrim Course | |
Thu 6th | 10:00 | Churchyard Working Party |
12:30 | Friendship Lunch (Community Hall) | |
Sun 9th | 08:00 | Holy Communion (Said, BCP) with refreshments following |
09:30 | Family Communion with Children’s Church | |
11:00 | Baptism Service | |
11:30 | Baptism Service |
Please Pray for…
In need of prayer: Mary and Ted, Kit, Michael, Jill, Rachel G, Tony, Caroline, Kevin, G, Alex, Paul, Evelyn, Maggie, Barrie
At their years mind: Rosemary Willis, Annie Stevens
Neighbourhood Prayers
Share together with us in prayer for the streets and those who live and work in and around Pennington throughout the week:
2 | Priestlands Lane |
3 | World Bicycle Day |
4 | Clarendon Park |
5 | World Environment Day |
6 | Friendship lunch |
7 | Those who are Stressed |
8 | World Oceans Day |
Lymington Market
Fundraising at the Lymington Market Stall this Bank Holiday Saturday, raised £74.60, and the tombola, and glass Jewellery table at the Wheel Inn, also on Bank Holiday Saturday, raised together £134.00.
The proceeds will help in the general funding towards the running of St Mark’s Church: a big “Thank You” to all who took part for all your efforts.
Weekly Envelope Donors or Children’s Society Box Holders?
Please find that there are important letters at the back of church for you to collect.
Commitment to St Mark’s
It currently costs us about £6000 per month to sustain the work of this church. Our fundraising, giving and income only covers £5,000. Please consider joining our Parish Giving Scheme, making a regular commitment even if it’s just a few pounds, it really makes a difference to our work here. Please speak to Teresa or Maureen if you would like to consider this step.
Pilgrim: the Lords Prayer
How well do you understand the Lord’s Prayer? We say it so often: what does it mean to us? We will be looking at this in our next series of the Pilgrim course, with fortnightly daytime sessions starting on 3rd June at 11:00am Mondays, in St Mark’s room – and evening sessions running on Wednesdays from 7pm! All welcome.
Together in Harmony
A community music group for people with dementia along with their carers meet at Boldre Memorial Hall on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month, from 10am for opening refreshments and from 10:30 to 11:30am for music.
Costing £5 per couple, if you want to find out more please contact Frances Attwood on 01590 718749, 07500 117814 or via email to
Summer Concert
On Thursday June 20th at 7:30pm the Beaulieu Warblers will make a return visit to St Mark’s to present their summer concert ‘Midsummer Dreams’. The varied programme of popular songs will include such favourites as ‘California Dreaming’, ’Daydream Believer’ and songs from Les Miserables, Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat and The Sound of Music.
Tickets at £7.50, to include refreshments on the evening – available on the door or through St Mark’s Church before the event.
Thy Kingdom Come
Novena – 9 days of themed prayer
Throughout Thy Kingdom Come we will be joining with St Thomas Lymington each day for a short service of prayer and reflection between 9 and 9:30am from Friday 31st May until Saturday 8th June – and everyone is welcome. This will be held at St Thomas except Wednesday June 5th when Rachel Noel will lead prayers at St Marks, Pennington.
Prayer in the Community – ‘Say One for Me’
On Tuesday 4th June between 7 and 8pm in Pennington outside One Stop, we’ll be collecting prayers! Gathering at St Mark’s Church from 6:30pm, we them go out to pray: with the question “If you could pray today, what would you pray for?“. All followed by Evening Prayer in St Mark’s. from 8 until 8:30pm.
Messy Church Prayer Walk and Picnic
On Saturday 8th June, there is a combined Pennington and Lymington Messy Church walk and picnic, Meet on the green by the Band Stand in Bath Road Lymington at 1pm, to which all are invited. Later in the day, we will gather for a worship song and prayer on Chequers Green from 3:00pm. Everyone from 0-100 years (and more!) welcome. Dogs included.
St. Mark’s Community Hall
St. Mark’s PCC are planning to renovate the hall entrance, toilets and roof in St. Mark’s Community Hall during the summer holidays which means that, unfortunately, the hall will be unavailable from 22nd July to 31st August. We are sorry for the incovenience but this is a long overdue renovation which will include an accessible toilet and create a more welcoming environment for the hall.
Pennington Summer Event
On the 9th June at 6pm, any volunteers who would like to offer their services for the Pennington Community Events summer event on the 30th June are welcome to come to a planning meeting – at the Sports and Social club in Pennington.