Notices for the seventh Sunday after Trinity

The Week ahead…

Date Time Event
Sun 4th 08:00 Holy Communion
  09:30 Family Communion
  18:00 Evensong, with Act of Healing
Mon 5th 13:30 Church cleaning team
Wed 7th 10:15 Coffee Morning, St Mark’s Room
  11:30 Holy Communion
Sun 11th 08:00 Holy Communion
  09:30 Family Communion
  11:00 Baptism service for Harmony Elizabeth Grace Garlick

Please Pray for…

In need of prayer: Mary and Ted, Kit, Michael, Jill and Brian, Rachel G, Tony, Caroline, Kevin, G, Alex, Paul, Maggie, Barrie, Ilse, Alexander

At their years mind: Mary Hunt, Harry Mutter, Peter Burbidge

Neighbourhood Prayers

Share together with us in prayer for the streets and those who live and work in and around Pennington throughout the week:

4 Pennington Infant School
5 Sway Road
6 West Way
7 Coffee morning group
8 Grafton Gardens
9 Work in the media
10 Emergency organisations

Vandalism in the Churchyard

We have recently had reports that people have been trying to climb onto the church roof and there has also been damage to items in the churchyard – most recently the bird bath outside the St Mark’s Room.

If you see anyone causing problems in the churchyard we ask that you do not approach people – but please always report the matter to the police by telephoning 101 as soon as possible.

Please look after yourself and do not take personal risks, if you are witnessing any events of antisocial behaviour in the church grounds.

Metal watering cans

It has been suggested that due to the latest vandalism in the churchyard, we do away with the metal watering cans which almost certainly were used to smash the bird bath, and replace with plastic ones. If you have any at home surplus to requirements, they would be most welcome. The metal ones will, for the moment, be stored in the shed.

Please let Ingrid, Churchyard Team or Church Wardens know.

Your new table?

Is anyone interested in rehoming the round plastic table in front of the altar in the lady chapel, for a donation? If so, please do talk to Teresa or Eve.

Our Community Hall

The renovations to St. Mark’s Community hall have now started. From 22nd July the roof is being renovated and from 29th July the hall and toilets renovation will commence.  This will include an accessible toilet and will create a more welcoming environment for the hall.  The hall is now closed until 2nd September

Missing Memorial Names – We Will Remember Them

Last year, it came to light that there are some names missing from the War Memorial in Pennington. We created a temporary plaque for last year, so that we could include their names within our Remembrance services.

We have now gone through the processes and are delighted to have received permission to add these names permanently to our grade II listed War Memorial. The next step to make this possible, is to raise the money to pay the stone mason to add the names. We need your help to make this happen, please give generously, so that we can include these five people permanently on our memorial in Pennington.

Please speak to Teresa or Maureen, if you would like to give a donation directly; alternatively you can donate online, via our Just Giving capaign page –

Storage space required

St Mark’s are looking to store some items from within the body of the church temporarily: notably, two loose pews, currently held to the left and right of the font.  Do you have a garage with a little bit of space to help us store these for the short term? If you can help, please speak with either Teresa or Eve, our churchwardens.


You may have noticed the Traidcraft table has moved, to free up some space around the front door. We hope this makes it easier to welcome people into church. The Traidcraft stall is now near the font, please do take a look at the great products available. When you choose to buy Traidcraft products, you’re helping to continue Traidcraft’s pioneering work in transforming the lives of small-scale artisans, farmers and their communities across the developing world.

Children’s Society

If you have an outstanding Children’s Society Box for this year, please can we ask you to return to Maureen Barnard in church? A huge thanks: we’ve had 21 boxes returned and an amazing £226.75 in donations to this worthy charity within them all! Huge thanks also towards Shirley and Sue – who gave up a Saturday morning to help count these donations: and Dorothy too, to help balance the pennies! If anyone wishes to take a box for collecting in the coming year, or have not yet had their boxes returned to them, please contact Maureen in church or on telephone 01590 682888.

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