Notices for the fourth Sunday after Trinity: Sea Sunday

The Week ahead…

Date Time Event
Sun 14th 08:00 Holy Communion
  09:30 Family Communion
Mon 15th 11:00 Pilgrim Course, St Mark’s Room
Tue 16th 15:30 Messy Church, Community Hall
Wed 17th 10:15 Coffee Morning, St Mark’s Room
  11:30 Holy Communion
Sun 21st 08:00 Holy Communion
  09:30 Family Communion
  18:00 Evensong

Please Pray for…

In need of prayer: Mary and Ted, Kit, Michael, Jill, Rachel G, Tony, Caroline, Kevin, G, Alex, Paul, Maggie, Barrie

At their years mind: Roy ‘Dusty’ Miller, June Totterdell

Neighbourhood Prayers

Share together with us in prayer for the streets and those who live and work in and around Pennington throughout the week:

14 The Mission for Seafarers
15 World Youth Skills Day
16 Messy Church
17 Wednesday coffee morning group
18 Billington Place
19 Those who polish our brass
20 Pennington Junior School

The new Bishop of Southampton

Bishop Debbie’s Installation Service is at Winchester Cathedral on Sunday 14th July at 15:30. It is a lovely opportunity for all folk in the deanery to come and meet our new Bishop. All are welcome to come to the service.

Thank you!

Our grateful thanks to everyone who helped in any way on Saturday 29th in preparation and Sunday 30th June for attending and manning our church stalls.

After an overcast sky in the morning, the weather improved to a sunny – if breezy – afternoon, which helped bring many to the event.

At the end of the day, the combined takings from the church stalls amounted to £1,054 – very well done, and a great effort!

Thank you all, from Maureen Barnard (on behalf of the Events Team)

If you have any photos from the day you would like to share via our church Facebook page or through this website, do please send these via email to ‘‘ to be included.

Help needed: the New Forest Show

Organised by the Lyndhurst Deanery, the Church Tent welcomes visitors both Christian and non Christian. A place where they can relax with a refreshing drink whilst the children can have their faces painted or do craftwork. The Tent has been present at the Show for over 45 years and is run by a team of dedicated volunteers. Additional help always welcome, whether it is serving teas and coffees, helping with the children’s work or simply having a friendly chat with the visitors.

This year, the show is on 30th31st July and 1st August. If you feel you can help in the Church Tent please contact:

Welcoming, teas and refreshments

Childrens activities and face painting

Show Tickets will be provided for volunteers.

Meditation Group

Meditation Group will meet on Monday 8th July.  All welcome.  Then we will take a break during August.

Our Community Hall

St. Mark’s PCC are planning to renovate the hall entrance, toilets and roof in St. Mark’s Community Hall during the summer holidays which means that, unfortunately, the hall will be unavailable from 22nd July to 31st August. This renovation will include an accessible toilet and create a more welcoming environment for the hall.

Afternoon tea?

On Sunday 21st July, all are welcome at the Vicarage in Pennington, to join our Priest in Charge Rachel – who is hosting an afternoon tea!

With scones and jam, cake, tea and coffee aplenty, we hope you can join us from 2pm to 4pm.

Vandalism in the Churchyard

We have recently had reports that people have been trying to climb onto the church roof and there has also been damage to items in the churchyard – most recently the bird bath outside the St Mark’s Room.

If you see anyone causing problems in the churchyard we ask that you do not approach people – but please always report the matter to the police by telephoning 101 as soon as possible.

Please look after yourself and do not take personal risks, if you are witnessing any events of antisocial behaviour in the church grounds.

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