Notices for the first Sunday of Christmas

The Week ahead…

Date Time Event
Sun 29th 08:00 Holy Communion
Thu 2nd 10:00 Churchyard Working Party
  12:30 Friendship Lunch
Sun 5th 08:00 Holy Communion
  09:30 Family Communion
  18:00 Evensong with Act of Healing

Please Pray for…

In need of prayer: Mary, Kit, Michael, Jill and Brian, Rachel G, Tony, Caroline, Kevin, G, Alex, Paul, Maggie, Barrie, Ilse, Alexander, Bryan, Dora, Jean, Sarah

Years Mind: David Tybinkowski

Recently Deceased: Ted Johnson

Neighbourhood Prayers

Share together with us in prayer for the streets and those who live and work in and around Pennington throughout the week:

29 Brooklands Close
30 Kerry Close
31 Brownings Close
1 Traidcraft
2 Pitmore Lane
3 Churchyard Party
4 Howards Mead

No service…

Please note that there is no 9:30am or 6pm service on Sunday 29th December, only an 8am Holy Communion service will be taking place.

Anne’s last day

The paperwork is now complete, and we can confirm that Rev’d Anne Elliott’s last service in St Mark’s Church Pennington will be Sunday 12th January at 9:30am.

Later that day, we will have a farewell afternoon tea in St Mark’s Community Hall from 3pm – all are welcome. The licensing service for Anne’s new role will take place on Sunday 9th February at 4pm, to be held at All Saints Church, Hordle.

Please support and encourage Anne as she prepares to finish her ministry in this place, and to offer her skills, passions and strengths to the community at Tiptoe. We are so grateful for all the work that she has done, and delighted that a nearby community will be able to benefit from her ministry too.

Living the difference

…With Mark Greene on Saturday 18th January. Taking place at Lymington Baptist Church with a morning session from 9:30am to 12:30pm and an afternoon session from 2pm to 5pm. In the morning covering the subject of Faith at work – beyond evangelism and ethics: at work, how can we live the difference that Jesus makes? Or in the afternoon, Whole life discipleship – living out the Great Commission: guilt free.

All welcome to one – or both – sessions (cost £7 per session including light refreshments). Further details, along with details on how to purchase tickets, available here.

Pilgrim in 2020

We’re continuing our day time Pilgrim sessions in the new year! Join us from 11am on the 20th January, 3rd and 24th February, 9th and 23rd March and 6th April – as we unpack the Beatitudes!

In memory of the Holocaust

On the 25th January We invite you to join us from 3pm at Pennington Church for an event of songs, reflections and poems to mark the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, including the Straight Bananas acapella group and local students as we Stand Together as a community.

Christian Unity

As part of the week of Christian Unity, all the churches in Lymington and Pennington will be meeting at 10:30am on Sunday 26th January in St Thomas Church, Lymington for a Christians Together service (note, there will be no 9:30am service at St Mark’s this day).

Dates for your diary in 2020…

We have a few more events coming up next year at the Lymington Community Centre…

Saturday 15th February – double whammy – it will be our Third repair cafe offering electrical, bike and clothing repairs PLUS a clothes swap – where people are invited to bring a couple of items of clean clothes to swap for others…

Saturday 14th March – our Jean Genie up-cycling event where we will have a table of jeans, fabrics, beads, buttons, ribbons and moree… and invite people to come and use our sewing machines and make something useful and beautiful!

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