The Week ahead…
Date | Time | Event |
Sun 1st | 08:00 | Holy Communion |
09:30 | Family Communion with Children’s Church | |
18:00 | Advent Carol Service | |
Wed 4th | 10:15 | Coffee Morning, St Mark’s Room |
11:30 | Holy Communion | |
Thu 5th | 10:00 | Churchyard Working Party |
Fri 6th | 17:00 | Pennington Christmas Fair, The Square |
Sat 7th | 13:30 | Straight Bananas Christmas Concert |
Sun 8th | 08:00 | Holy Communion |
09:30 | Family Communion with Children’s Church |
Please Pray for…
In need of prayer: Mary and Ted, Kit, Michael, Jill and Brian, Rachel G, Tony, Caroline, Kevin, G, Alex, Paul, Maggie, Barrie, Ilse, Alexander, Bryan, Erica, Dora
Years Mind: Frederick Hayward, Irene Page, Mary Forsyth-Thompson, Sarah White
Recently Deceased: Kathleen Seal
Neighbourhood Prayers
Share together with us in prayer for the streets and those who live and work in and around Pennington throughout the week:
1 | World AIDS Day |
2 | the abolition of slavery |
3 | Those with disabilities |
4 | Hannah Way |
5 | Friendship lunch cooks |
6 | Pennington Christmas Fair |
7 | Artists and musicians |
CTLP Christmas Lunch
Christians Together, Lymington and Pennington, representing a wide range of faiths in Lymington and Pennington are hosting a Christmas lunch. On Sundays 8th and 15th December, they would be grateful for any suitable gifts – or an appropriate donation – for the Christmas tree, wrapped and labelled for a Lady or Gentleman (value around £2 to £4), for guests to take home. Please call Mike and Ann Reynolds on 01590 679084 for details; they advise they will have space for late guests too!
Christmas Fair – can you help?
- On Thursday 5th December, from 1pm helpers needed in the marquee behind the Musketeer to help assemble Christmas trees.
- On Friday 6th December, help is needed outside the Old School and outside Pennington Junior School from 10am to help set up for the Christmas fair, turn up on the day!
- Further helpers still needed for road closures and support on the night, between 4pm and 10pm.
- On Saturday 7th December, help is needed at the Musketeer from 11am, to take down christmas trees, just turn up!
All welcome; our thanks to all volunteers.
Calling all volunteers!
7th December: St Mark’s are eagerly looking forward to hearing ‘Straight Bananas’ perform on the 7th. We’ll be providing refreshements and a raffle …and if you’ve prizes you’d like to donate towards the raffle, or cakes towards the refreshments we would be very grateful! If you can help, please add your contributions to the list at the back of church.
BCM Taster Sessions
On Monday 2nd December from 7 to 8:30pm at Wolvesey or Thursday 5th December 2 to 3:30pm at Old Alresford Place, why not find out more about the Bishop’s Commission for Mission?
If you have a heart for God’s mission, but feel you could do with more confidence to grow and develop in your chosen ministry area, then a BCM programme is for you. Before the diocese spring programmes start in January, they are offering two taster sessions where you can come and find out more and ask any questions you would like. Attending a taster session does not commit you to taking a BCM, it is just an opportunity to explore. Everyone is very welcome. More information about the spring programmes can be found on the diocesean website – please speak to Paul or Rachel if you would like to attend one of the taster sessions.
Water Aid
A large Christmas card will be at the back of church to sign – wishing each other a happy Christmas and to collect donations towards Water Aid.
Meditation Group
The Meditation group will be meeting on Monday 9th December in the Lady Chapel at 2:30pm. All are welcome.
Anne’s last day
The paperwork is now complete, and we can confirm that Rev’d Anne Elliott’s last service in St Mark’s Church Pennington will be Sunday 12th January at 9:30am. Later that day, we will have a farewell afternoon tea in St Mark’s Community Hall from 3pm – all are welcome. The licensing service for Anne’s new role will take place on Sunday 8th February at 4pm, with further details to be available nearer the time. Please support and encourage Anne as she prepares to finish her ministry in this place, and to offer her skills, passions and strengths to the community at Tiptoe. We are so grateful for all the work that she has done, and delighted that a nearby community will be able to benefit from her ministry too.
Notes for your December diary…
Strictly Come Crafting Club
On Tuesday December 10th, Julie is coming to talk to us about making Boomerang Bags (search for ‘Boomerang Bags New Forest’ online for more details) – these are bags made from old bits of material and remnants. All are welcome to come from 1:30 to 4pm. £2 per session to include light refreshments of mince pies, Christmas cake and shortbread biscuits. There will also be a small Christmas Raffle (4 tickets – £1).
Christmas Carol Concert at Lymington Hospital
On Thursday 12th December, your voice is invited to help lift a Christmas spirit at Lymington New Forest hospital! Held in the outpatient atrium, this choir led carol service will be followed by refreshments and mincepies. All welcome from 3pm.
Carol Singing
On Wednesday 18th December, join us for carol singing at local care homes. Starting at Thornfields at 2:15pm and moving on to Belmore Lodge for 3pm. All voices welcome!