The Week ahead…
Date | Time | Event |
Sun 23rd | 08:00 | Holy Communion (Said, BCP) with refreshments following |
09:30 | Morning Praise | |
Mon 24th | 11:00 | Pilgrim Course |
Wed 26th | 10:15 | Coffee Morning, St Mark’s Room (church) |
11:30 | Holy Communion | |
19:00 | Pilgrim Course | |
Thu 27th | 13:30 | Care Home Communions |
Sun 30th | 08:00 | Holy Communion (Said, BCP) with refreshments following |
09:30 | NO SERVICE | |
16:00 | Pimms & Hymns, Pennington Common |
Please Pray for…
In need of prayer: Mary and Ted, Kit, Michael, Jill, Rachel G, Tony, Caroline, Kevin, G, Alex, Paul, Maggie, Barrie
At their years mind: Lavinia Speed, Robert Press
Neighbourhood Prayers
Share together with us in prayer for the streets and those who live and work in and around Pennington throughout the week:
23 | International Widows’ Day |
24 | Street Pastors |
25 | Our Strictly come Crafting group |
26 | UN Day in Support of Victims of Torture |
27 | The Square |
28 | Social services |
29 | Basics Bank |
Pimms and Hymns!
Where St Mark’s are helping with the Pennington Community Events “The Common at Pennington” event, the 9:30am service on Sunday 30th June is cancelled; however, all are welcome to join us for a special Pimms and Hymns service at 4pm, on the common! A short and informal service, please encourage your friends to join us on what will hopefully be a warm and sunny afternoon!
Volunteers wanted!
St Mark’s are hosting a number of stalls for the summer event, and helpers to host these stalls would be greatly appreciated – as well as gifts for tombola or plants and bric-a-brack to sell! Please speak with Maureen for further details, if you want to play a part!
The event needs helpers too; from 3pm on Saturday 29th, fencing and a litter pick on the common takes place and helpers from 9am on the 30th would be gratefully welcome too. Please speak with Rachel Noël for further details.
Our Community Hall
St. Mark’s PCC are planning to renovate the hall entrance, toilets and roof in St. Mark’s Community Hall during the summer holidays which means that, unfortunately, the hall will be unavailable from 22nd July to 31st August. This renovation will include an accessible toilet and create a more welcoming environment for the hall.
Supporting St John’s, Boldre in song!
For any who are interested, this Sunday’s Evensong at St. John’s, Boldre (23rd June, 6.30pm), will be a 2-for-1, in that it is the annual Patronal Festival, as well as the venue for this year’s Lyndhurst Deanery Choral Evensong, supported by the RSCM. There will be a massed choir from churches around the Deanery – numbers currently between 50-60.
Any who would like to join with the congregation will be most welcome. Refreshments after the service!
Pilgrim: the Lords Prayer
How well do you understand the Lord’s Prayer? We say it so often: what does it mean to us? We are looking at this in our current series of the Pilgrim course, with fortnightly daytime sessions continuing on 24th June at 11:00am Monday, in St Mark’s room – and evening sessions running on Wednesdays from 7pm! All welcome.
Thank you!
…to all who supported the Beaulieu Warblers and of course their talented singers for entertaining us! We look forward to welcoming them back again soon!