The Week ahead…
Date | Time | Event |
Sun 20th | 08:00 | Holy Communion |
09:30 | Family Communion | |
15:00 | Hospital Service, Lymington New Forest Hospital | |
18:00 | Evensong | |
Mon 21st | 11:00 | Pilgrim Course, The Commandments, St Mark’s Room |
Tue 22nd | 19:00 | Remembrance Poppy Assembling |
13:30 | Strictly come Crafting, Community Hall | |
Wed 23rd | 10:15 | Coffee Morning, St Mark’s Room |
11:30 | Holy Communion | |
19:00 | Pilgrim Course, The Beatitudes, St Mark’s Room | |
Sun 27th | 08:00 | Holy Communion |
09:30 | Morning Praise | |
15:00 | All Souls Remembering Service |
Please Pray for…
In need of prayer: Mary and Ted, Kit, Michael, Jill and Brian, Rachel G, Tony, Caroline, Kevin, G, Alex, Paul, Maggie, Barrie, Ilse, Alexander, Bryan, Selatin
Years Mind: Cynthia Stone
Neighbourhood Prayers
Share together with us in prayer for the streets and those who live and work in and around Pennington throughout the week:
20 | Our local shops |
21 | Meadowlands |
22 | Strictly Come Crafting group |
23 | Brooklands Close |
24 | Kerry Close |
25 | Brownings Close |
26 | Those in our armed forces |
Woodside Singers: Showtime!
Celebrating their 40th anniversary, the Woodside Singers will be performing favourites from Oliver, The Sound of Music, Oklahoma and many more. Coming up on Saturday 19th October at 2:30pm at St Mark’s, tickets are available on the door or in advance from St Mark’s at £7 per person. Please visit their website – – for further details.
Poppies for Remembrance!
At 7pm on Tuesday 22nd October, do join us in St Mark’s Church, to assemble all the new poppies together. No previous experience necessary! We’ll be sitting in St Mark’s Room, using cable ties to attach them to net fencing. All welcome!
Harvest Craft Club
One for the kids! – come and join Christians Together, Lymington and Pennington for a morning of crafts, cooking and lots of fun guaranteed! Coming up on Thursday 31st October from 10am until 11:30am at Lymington’s United Reformed Church.
FREE and available to all: Contact Jan on 07885571197 for more information or email
CTLP Hospital Thanksgiving Service
On Sunday 20th October from 3pm, please join ‘Christians Together Lymington and Pennington‘ for a thanksgiving service at the out-patients department of Lymington Hospital – supporting the important work of our hospital and local care services.
Led by hospital chaplain Linda Lee with Revd. Alison John of Ashley Baptist Church.
Christmas is coming: can you help?
Pennington Community Events are ramping up in preparation towards Christmas 2019 – and are hoping to build on the successes of our Christmas event of 2018 and the summer event on the common earlier this year – with Pennington Christmas Lights on December 6th!
If you wish to host a stall, or know of anyone who does, application forms can be found on the Community Events webpage – Equally, if you want to join the committee to help plan and organise the event, they are keen to accept volunteers: please speak with Paul, Teresa or Rachel for further information.
All Souls Remembering Service
Join us on Sunday 27th October at 3pm for our annual reflective service to remember loved ones that have died. Service to be followed by refreshments and an opportunity to enjoy the peace and calm of our church, as we reflect on those who have come before and all they mean to us.
Pilgrim Course – the Beatitudes
Our evening Pilgrim course group meet for the final session on the Beatitudes! All are welcome to join us from 7pm in the St Mark’s Room in church – meeting on the 23rd October.
Pilgrim Course – The Commandments
Our Pilgrim sessions are returning in the day too, taking the topic of the Commandments to task! Our third session is on Monday 21th October at 11am, and continues on the 4th and 18th November and concluding on the 2nd December. Join us in the St Mark’s room!