Last reviewed: 09:07am 26/03/2021

Coronavirus – or COVID-19 – is a virus that has quickly spread to all continents and poses risk to those older in our communities, as well as those who may have certain underlying health conditions.

  • The Church of England have released guidance for churches and congregations in regards to the Coronavirus – click here to read more.
  • The government also have information available for the public too; click here to read this.
  • The NHS have a website giving advice here.
  • The World Health Organisation (WHO) have information available here.

In building services to resume from the 4th April

On Easter Sunday, 4th April, we will resume public worship in St Mark’s Church building. There is still very strict guidance in place for what is possible in public worship, similar to when we were last open before Christmas.

If you have any symptoms of covid, please do not come to the church building.

  • Entrance will be through St Mark’s Room, including hand sanitiser station and collecting track and trace contact details (which will be held for three weeks).
  • Face coverings are required in a place of worship
  • Congregational singing is not allowed
  • Distribution of communion will take place outside at the end of the service
  • We need to adhere to social distancing. To help with this we have markings on the floor outside the church and inside. You will be directed to your seat as you come in, with those arriving first being seated at the front of church. At the end of the service, we will leave from the back rows first. Given social distancing and seating, there will be a maximum number of people that can attend worship. At St Mark’s Church, this is up to 34 small house holds. If the church is full we will not allow additional people to enter, and you will need to join in the service online.
  • Socialising is not permitted, either in church, or in the church grounds
  • Ventilation is important, so wear warm clothes!

If you have any coronavirus symptoms:

  • a high temperature
  • a new, continuous cough
  • a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste

Get a test; we continue to stream our in building services through our Facebook, and YouTube pages – as well as through this website.