In March 2020, as the first lockdown started, St Mark’s and St Thomas started working together to create our shared online service. There was so much that we didn’t know, when we started! We had no idea how long we would be doing this for! We’ve learned a lot about film recording and editing – A huge thank you to everyone that has had a go at recording readings and prayers, that have worked out how to record and edit music, and a very special thank you to Paul, who has worked hard each week to put together our offerings and create the fabulous services that we’ve been able to share together.
Since November we’re also meeting daily on zoom at 9am for Morning Prayer. We chat until about 9:05, and then have 15 minutes of prayer together led by people across both parishes. All are welcome to join us daily, or just occasionally.
In the last few months, we’ve also now got services happening in the building, and we’ve been learning how to use new tech in our buildings too. At St Mark’s we’re now live streaming our 8am BCP Communion service and our 10am Common Worship service. St Thomas are also trialling streaming too. We have therefore made the decision that our shared, pre-recorded online service will come to an end at the end of June this year. You are all very welcome to continue joining us in worship online. St Mark’s will continue to share our services every week on the Pennington Church YouTube Channel, and St Thomas will share services on the Lymington Church YouTube channel. We are so glad to have been able to worship together in this way, and we look forward to continue building relationships and worshipping together, both in our buildings and online. Our shared Zoom daily prayer will continue in it’s current format.
Sunday 27th June will be our final shared online service and will be a celebration of this worshipping life together.