Generosity and Parish Giving Scheme
I want to thank you all for continuing with your generous support for St Mark’s Church during this season. We are so glad for the generous donations and ongoing financial support that you are offering.
The Parish Giving Scheme have now developed a way to allow new registrations over the phone or online. If you are interested in giving through direct debit, to set up a regular donation for St Mark’s through the Parish Giving Scheme, simply visit and follow the link to register. Enter your details and our parish code – 416011301.
For all information about regular giving, please check out our webpage here, or to make a one off donation: you’ve got any questions, please talk to our treasurer Teresa Nivison.
Wednesday Night Group
On Wednesdays from 7-8:30, there will be an evening study group. Starting from Wednesday 22nd April, this group will be following a five week course looking at rule of life ( We’ll be meeting on zoom, you’re welcome to join us on the internet, or by phoning in.
Instructions for zoom group on Wednesday at 7pm:
Either join online using this link, – or to phone in, please…
- dial 0203 695 0088. You will hear: “Welcome to Zoom, enter your meeting id followed by hash“
- The meeting id you need to enter is: 971 631 0618 #
- You will then hear it say “Enter your participant id followed by hash, otherwise just press hash“
- Please just press the # key.
- You will then be asked for the password, please enter 1839 followed by #
You will then be part of a conference call, and you will be able to talk to others from the church that have already joined it.
Sunday Services
We are continuing to work together with the team at St Thomas’s, with fabulous technical support from our own Paul Young, to bring you our weekly services through youtube. If you miss the service, all previously aired services are available for you on our youtube channel, to watch when you choose. We are planning to offer a weekly service at 9:30am every Sunday on youtube.
If you’ve got any feedback, comments or suggestions, please do let us know.
We are also investigating some special events, and are currently working with local Councillor Andrew Gossage, on a youtube event for VE Day… watch this space!
After all our Sunday services on youtube, you’re welcome to join us on zoom for coffee. This is a chance to chat with others from church, all are welcome to join us. The service is also played into zoom, which allows those without internet access to phone in. If you know someone that might be interested in this, please let them know.
Zoom Coffee Morning
Starting Tuesday 21st April, 9:30-10:30, we want to trial a coffee morning on zoom. Obviously, you’ll need to make your own tea or coffee at home… which means you can also choose whether or not to have cake too! All welcome to join us in zoom.
Either join online using this link, – or to phone in, please…
- dial 0203 695 0088. You will hear: “Welcome to Zoom, enter your meeting id followed by hash“
- The meeting id you need to enter is: 971 631 0618 #
- You will then hear it say “Enter your participant id followed by hash, otherwise just press hash“
- Please just press the # key.
- You will then be asked for the password, please enter 1839 followed by #
You will then be part of a conference call, and you will be able to talk to others from the church that have already joined it.
best wishes,