Coming up This week in Pennington
- Sunday 3rd May, 9:30am – Communion service on YouTube
- Monday 4th May, 11-12 – Weekly discussion group on zoom. Looking at rule of life. This will be the first week of a five week course. All are welcome to join us.
- Tuesday 5th May 8pm – The Prayer Course. We’re joining with Lymington Church for a prayer course, ahead of ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ from Ascension Day to Pentecost.
- Wednesday 6th May – 10:15-11:15 – Coffee Morning on zoom. Phone in or join us on the internet, all are welcome – you’ll need to make your own coffee… last week Sharon even baked her own cake! We’d love to hear your favourite recipes of this season, do share them with us at
- Wednesday 6th May – 7-8:30pm – Weekly evening discussion group on zoom. Looking at the rule of life, this is the third in a five week course. Sally Dakin, who wrote the material, will be joining us, all are welcome.
- Friday 8th May is VE 75th anniversary – see our special notice below. Join us at 1:30pm for our Pennington VE75 event, as well as all the national events taking place.
All our services can be found on our youtube channel – link here.
An update from Basics Bank
Please download their newsletter here.
VE Day
On Friday 8th May we invite you to our Stay at Home Street Party.
Decorate your home red, white and blue. Enjoy a picnic in your front garden and join us on YouTube at 1:30pm for our commemoration event. Then at 2:20pm, Fri 8th May 2020, stand on your pavement and make a noise to celebrate the signing of the declaration of surrender. At 3:00pm stand and raise a glass in ‘Nation’s Toast to the Heroes of WW2.
The BBC is marking the day with a number of broadcasts:
- 11am Two-minute silence across the country.
- 2:45pm Winston Churchill’s famous victory speech.
- 3pm The Nation’s Toast to the Heroes of World War 2: “To those who gave so much, we thank you.”
- 8pm The People’s Celebration with The Royal British Legion.
- 9pm, watch an address from Her Majesty The Queen and Singalong with BBC One and the Royal British Legion! Watch BBC One, featuring the singalong as part of their VE Day broadcast, at 9pm on Friday 8 May to join a UK-wide rendition of Dame Vera Lynn’s ‘We’ll Meet Again’ to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day.
- Nationally, from 11:15, The Royal British Legion website offers a VE Day Livestream here:
Prayer Course
Sarah and Kay from Lymington have shared this message with us: It was wonderful to see so many of you on Tuesday evening. There were 25 of us and, considering it was such short notice, it was brilliant to see so many people able to come and be together. How encouraging it was to meet and share our reflections on the prayer course video, which gave us some new insights into prayer and helped us to think practically how we might develop and deepen our prayer life.
If you missed week 1 – don’t worry, it was really short notice to start on Tuesday, and you can catch up on the video here (click this link) and join us next Tuesday at 8pm for week 2. This is a different zoom meeting invite, as it’s hosted by St Thomas, details below.
A few other things, firstly, to confirm the programme for the next 4 weeks leading up to Pentecost.
- Tues 5th May – Week 2: Adoration
- Tues 12th May – Week 3: Petition and Intercession
- Tues 19th May – Week 4: Listening and Contemplation
- Tues 26th May – Week 5: Unanswered prayer and Spiritual Warfare
Details for week 2 of the prayer course will be available soon to give you time to watch the video and consider the questions ready to meet again next Tuesday.
The prayer course also offers some extra resources which you use if you wish. This week there are three extra resources which you can find at
- how to pray the Lord’s prayer (1)
- how to have a quiet time (2)
- how to pray the examen (3)
We hope you find these extra resources useful to reflect on and to try if they are helpful.
Saint Thomas is inviting you to a recurring scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: How to prayer – the series
By video from your computer/laptop the URL is:
Dial in by your home landline phone to:
0203 481 5237 United Kingdom
The zoom meeting ID is 844 8181 6378
Sunday Services
Every week our Sunday service is at 9:30am on youtube –
We’d love to see your photos of you at home getting ready for the service. Please do share them with us at, it’s such an encouragement for us. Belmore lodge have shared with us a photo of Jean, with the laptop they have so that she can join us for our services on a Sunday. And Sharon’s started joining us from Portsmouth and has shared a photo of the bacon butty she prepared for last week’s service.
After the service, you’re welcome to join us in zoom for coffee – details at the end of this update!
If there are people you know in our congregation that do not have access to the internet and would like to phone in and listen to our services, please share the details below so they may join the Pennington Church zoom during the service and listen to the audio.
Lords Prayer
We invite you to video yourself on your phone or computer reading the Lords’ Prayer. Please then email your recording to
In future weeks we hope to show the Lords Prayer within our service, including each line read by a different person, we’d love to include as many of our congregation in this as we can. Please be brave, and join in the fun. (Trust me, it was strange for me to get used to leading the service in front of a camera or a phone too.) Others in the congregation will be so delighted to see you taking part, as we are each encouraged by seeing those that we know and love.
Instructions for St Mark’s Zoom:
Either join online using this link, – or to phone in, please…
- dial 0203 695 0088. You will hear: “Welcome to Zoom, enter your meeting id followed by hash“
- The meeting id you need to enter is: 971 631 0618 #
- You will then hear it say “Enter your participant id followed by hash, otherwise just press hash“
- Please just press the # key.
- You will then be asked for the password, please enter 1839 followed by #
You will then be part of a conference call, and you will be able to talk to others from the church that have already joined it.