The following activities are taking place each week. All are welcome to join us:
- 8am – BCM Communion Service
- 10am – Contemporary Service (Communion service on the first and third Sunday of the month, informal morning praise on the second and fourth Sunday of the month)
- 9-9:30am Morning Prayer on Zoom with St Thomas and St Mark’s – Parish Prayer zoom link
- From 10am – Zoom Study group on Pennington Church general zoom link
- 9-9:30am Morning Prayer on Zoom with St Thomas and St Mark’s – Parish Prayer zoom link
- 1.30-4pm – Strictly Come Crafting. 2nd & 4th Tuesday at the Community Hall. Contacts Dorothy Davies 01590 676163 or Shirley Saunders 01590 677628
- 2.30-3.45pm – Friendship Teas 1st Tuesday in month at the Community Hall. Contacts Shirley Saunders 01590 677628 or Pat Wright 01590 678416
- 9-9:30am Morning Prayer on Zoom with St Thomas and St Mark’s – Parish Prayer zoom link
- 10:15-10:30am – Morning Prayer at St Mark’s Church (4th Wednesday only)
- 10:30-11:30am – Coffee at St Mark’s Church (4th Wednesday only)
- 9-9:30am Morning Prayer on Zoom with St Thomas and St Mark’s – Parish Prayer zoom link
- 12-1pm – Advice Outreach, from NFDC and Citizens Advice
- 1-2pm – Fareshare Larder – St Mark’s Community Hall Car Park
- 9-9:30am – Morning Prayer on Zoom with St Thomas and St Mark’s – Parish Prayer zoom link
- 9-9:30am Parish prayers at St Thomas Church
PCC Meeting
Following last week’s APCM the new PCC will be meeting on Wednesday the 22nd at 7pm in St Mark’s Room. If you have any items you wish the PCC to discuss please advise the PCC Secretary – Rebecca Rickaby at
St Mark’s PCC has received free donations this week thanks to our community shopping online! A huge thank you to everyone who supports us. Want to get involved? Sign up to easyfundraising so your online shopping at your favourite brands turns into much-needed funding for us. It’ll take you two minutes to sign up:
Children’s Society collection boxes
In advance of our service to celebrate the work of the Children’s Society, those who have been saving their pennies towards this worthy charity are asked to return their boxes to Dorothy here at St Marks on the upcoming Sunday services.
Study Group Update
The study group are continuing to meet on Zoom every Monday from 10am to 11am and are studying the Rose Guide to the Epistles. Currently, we have arrived at 1 Peter and are all enjoying our studies. We have fun and giggles as well as light bulb moments as we delve into God’s word. One of our regulars comments “as a participant of the study group for the last three years, I have had many “lightbulb” moments. It has given me many times when I realise and understand what we are reading and what it actually means and how it fits in with our day to day lives and with reference to readings in church. I enjoy it immensely and wouldn’t want to be without it. I love the laughter and giggles too!”
World Vision Update
Did you know we support Irene and her community in Zambia? Supporting World Vision, our sponsorship of a child is making a difference: this year so far, 300 girls and boys have taken part in personal development activities focused on caring for others – 60 caregivers learned how to nurture their children through parenting courses – 160 community health workers were trained to support the ongoing roll-out of COVID-19 vaccines. Do you want to write to Irene? Speak to Eve or Teresa in church to find out more!
Strictly Come Crafting
Do join us in the community hall for our by-monthly crafting get-together! Be you a keen knitter or an amateur crocheter …all are welcome.
Your donations from Mike’s licencing?
There was a collection taken at Mike’s recent licensing service for the Bishop’s Ordination Candidates’ Fund- a fund that helps those training towards ordination and leading – much as our very own Jane is undertaking currently! Your kind donations that evening raised £221.77 towards the pot.
Upcoming visit by Counselling Together
On 9th June we will be having talk at our Morning Praise service from Counselling Together. They provide professional, confidential and affordable counselling services in the New Forest and will be talking to us about their work to help those who in the increasingly complex world we live in, need the support of a professional to move forward.
Pennington Community Hub
The Fareshare Larder continues it’s successful work on Thursday in the Community Hall. But, for the moment we are not meeting afterwards from 2-4pm for refreshments. We are looking into alternative ideas for continuing this outreach work to strengthen the work in our community
Hampshire Home Library Service
did you know that Hampshire Libraries have a home library service? If you can’t get to the library due to ill-health, disability or caring responsibilities, the library can come to you. They arrange to deliver your library items to your home on a regular basis, for free. Find out more at Lymington Library, or by visiting https://tinyurl.com32ecujkx
Ecochurch Recycling
Milk Bottle tops: we are now collecting these as Stewarts Garden Centre are turning these into garden furniture!
Medicine blister packs: we are also no longer able to collect these packs at the moment. If you know of anywhere these can be recycled please let Eve know.
ground coffee/coffee bean packets: a notice at the back of church shows which bags are now being collected. Please support our effort to reduce waste.
Daily Prayer
With St Thomas in Lymington, we continue to ‘pray for our nation, for its leaders, its health and essential services and all those who suffer’ this week at 9am on Zoom. Led by members of St Mark’s and St Thomas congregations, this now runs Monday through Friday.
Daily prayer is also taking place in St Thomas church from 9am on Saturdays
Coming together, we offer daily prayer for the situation in Ukraine.
Please do join them either by computer or phone:
- Meeting ID: 895 2990 2640 Passcode: 2020
- Dial in from a landline phone: 0131 460 1196
St Mark’s Flower Decoration
If you would like to give flowers to commemorate an anniversary or other special day, or remember a relative or friend, please enter your name on the poster at the back of church against the date you would like your flowers to decorate the church and/or contact:- Lin Haley on 01590 677904
YouTube and Facebook
All our services can be found on our YouTube channel here. We also post details about or services and events on our Facebook page too, here.
Online Connection Information
Zoom Details
- Pennington Church General Zoom link:
- From a landline phone: 0203 481 5240 Meeting ID: 944 5816 8956 Passcode: 1839
- Parish Prayer Zoom Link:
- From a landline phone: 0203 481 5240 Meeting ID: 895 2990 2640 Passcode: 2020