An update for Epiphany

St Mark’s in-building services are temporarily suspended

Please read the further update about this here.

Weekly Pattern in Tier 4

Monday to Thursday & Saturday

  • 9am Lymington & Pennington Daily prayer on zoom
    (meeting id: 895 2990 2640 password: 2020)


  • 10:30am – 12 noon – Weekly study group. Meeting from 11th January via Zoom
    (meeting id: 971 631 0618 password: 1839)


  • 10:15am – Social coffee and chat on zoom
    (meeting id: 971 631 0618 password: 1839)
  • 11am Communion service in St Thomas Church
  • 6:00pm – 7:30pm Weekly study group. Meeting from 13th January via Zoom
    (meeting id: 971 631 0618 password: 1839)


  • 9am – Communion service in St Thomas Church
  • 10am – Pennington and Lymington Online shared service on Youtube and Facebook
    service also streamed into zoom (meeting id: 971 631 0618 password: 1839)
  • After service – social coffee and chat on zoom (meeting id: 971 631 0618 password: 1839)

COVID Morning Prayer

With St Thomas in Lymington, we continue to ‘pray for our nation, for its leaders, its health and essential services and all those who suffer’ this week at 9am on Zoom led by Jane Nicholson on Mondays and Wednesdays and Sarah Salisbury on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please do join them either by computer or phone:

  • Meeting ID: 895 2990 2640 Passcode: 2020
  • Dial in from a landline phone: 0131 460 1196

The zoom details are here:

  • Meeting ID: 848 0076 2384
  • Passcode: 295455

Small groups coming back in January!

Find out more about our informal small group discussion groups, in our other post here.

Join the Sunday service via Zoom

If there are people you know in our congregation who do not have access to the internet and would like to phone in and listen to our services, please share this information with them to join the Pennington Church zoom during the service and listen to the audio. To phone in, please dial 0203 695 0088.

  • You will hear: “Welcome to Zoom, enter your meeting id followed by hash”
  • The meeting id you need to enter is: 971 631 0618 #
  • You will then hear it say “Enter your participant id followed by hash, otherwise just press hash”
  • Please just press the # key. then you will be asked for the passcode, please enter 1839 followed by hash (#).

You will then be part of a conference call, and you will be able to listen to the service, and then talk to others afterwards.

Sunday Services – are you in our virtual congregation?

We’d more than ever love to see your photos of you at home getting ready for the service. Plus, as we stream from the Lady Chapel, we’re hoping to see more of you in our virtual congregation as well so please do share a photo of yourself for us to add to our wall by email to, it’s such an encouragement for us.  After the service, you’re welcome to join us in zoom for coffee (you will have to brew your own!)

Rachel’s art for sale!

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If you’d like to purchase art that our priest Rachel has created and showed in our our worship recently, please check out our new Red Bubble shop. Profits from sales of these items all go to support the ministry of Pennington Church.

YouTube and Facebook

All our services can be found on our YouTube channel here. We also stream our services on our Facebook page too, here.

Lords Prayer

We invite you to video yourself on your phone or computer reading the Lords’ Prayer. Please then email your recording to

We’re now showing the Lord’s Prayer in our services with each line read by a different person and we’d love to include as many of our congregation in this as we can. Please be brave, and join in the fun. (Trust me, it was strange for me to get used to leading the service in front of a camera or a phone too.) Others in the congregation will be so delighted to see you taking part, as we are each encouraged by seeing those that we know and love.

Hampshire County Council Hub

If you would like to help with the community at large, the new Hampshire County Council Hub to support the community through the crisis has now been established. If you are able to offer support and would like to be involved, please contact them on 0333 370 4000. Your call will then be triaged and you will be passed to whichever organisation or local contact would be most appropriate.

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