St Mark’s in-building services are coming back!
From Easter Sunday, the 4th April, we’re opening our church once more for in building services. We are hosting from 8am a BCM communion service at St Mark’s church, followed by a 9am contemporary Easter communion service – both of which will also be shared online. And from 10am, we will hosting our online specific service too.
We do need to remind you that social distancing guidance is still strongly in place, so masks need to be worn in buildings, seating is further apart, there won’t be singing, we’re not allowed to socialize and the doors will be open for ventilation. So, do bring a coat: it may be chilly!
You are welcome to join us in whatever way is possible for you. We hope that particularly, the buildings being open again will make it more possible for those where technology excludes, to feel part of our worshipping community again.
Please pray for everyone involved in reopening our buildings, and for all of us, as we work out what is possible, and what will enable us to worship, to bring glory to God.
Our services for April 2021
Easter Sunday – 4th April
- 8am – BCP Communion service (in St Mark’s Church and streamed online)
- 9am – Contemporary communion service (in St Mark’s Church and streamed online)
- 10am – Online service, shared Lymington and Pennington Church
Sunday 11th April
- 9am – Contemporary communion service (in St Mark’s Church and streamed online)
- 10am – Online service, shared Lymington and Pennington Church
Sunday 18th April
- 8am – BCP Communion service (in St Mark’s Church and streamed online)
- 9am – Morning Praise service (in St Mark’s Church and streamed online)
- 10am – Online service, shared Lymington and Pennington Church
Sunday 25th April – St Mark’s Patronal Festival
- 9am – Contemporary communion service (in St Mark’s Church and streamed online)
- 10am – Online service, shared Lymington and Pennington Church
Regular activities
During current restrictions, the following activities are taking place each week. All are welcome to join us:
Current Sunday services as per previous page
- ~10:45am – Zoom Coffee on Pennington Church general zoom link
- 9-9:20am Morning Prayer on Zoom with Sarah and Jane – Parish Prayer zoom link
- 10:30am-12 – Zoom Study group on Pennington Church general zoom link
- 9-9:20am Morning Prayer on Zoom with Sarah and Jane – Parish Prayer zoom link
- 11am-12 – TakeTime Meditation Group on Zoom – Parish Prayer zoom link
- 9-9:20am Morning Prayer on Zoom with Sarah and Jane – Parish Prayer zoom link
- 10:15-11am – Zoom Coffee on Pennington Church general zoom link
- 9-9:20am Morning Prayer on Zoom with Sarah and Jane – Parish Prayer zoom link
- 1-2:30pm – Fareshare Larder – St Mark’s Community Hall Car Park
- 9-9:20am – Morning Prayer on Zoom with Sarah and Jane – Parish Prayer zoom link
- 9-10 Parish prayers on zoom, followed by coffee – Parish Prayer zoom link
Online Connection Information
Zoom Details
- Pennington Church General Zoom link:
- From a landline phone: 0203 481 5240 Meeting ID: 971 631 0618 Passcode: 1839
- Parish Prayer Zoom Link:
- From a landline phone: 0203 481 5240 Meeting ID: 895 2990 2640 Passcode: 2020
Electoral Roll for 2021
Click here to download the notice of the 2021 electoral roll notice.
The Joy of Prayer
Four stand-alone Zoom workshops for anyone who’d like to broaden their experience of prayer, coming up from Winchester Diocese
Tuesday 20th April 8-9pm – Praying with Stuff
This session is about praying with our whole selves, using everyday objects in various kinds of prayer.
Monday 26th April 8-9pm – Dare to Share (about prayer)
Come and listen, and be listened to (in small groups), as we reflect on our relationship with God and our experience of prayer.
Tuesday 18th May 8-9pm Colours and Doodles
In this session we’ll experiment twit the use of colour in reflection and prayer – and we’ll try Bible-doodling.
Tuesday 15th June 8-9pm Prayer Walking
A chance to think about the places and spaces we inhabit, and to intercede creatively for those we live amongst.
Tuesday 13th July 8-9pm Dare to Share
Come and listen, and be listened to (in small groups), as we reflect on our relationship with God and our experience of prayer.
Led – on Zoom – by the Revd Sally Dakin, Spirituality Adviser
- Enquiries to
- Bookings to
Interesting Intercessions
- Thursday 29th April 2- 4.30pm
- Friday 14th May 10-12:30pm
An online workshop for those who already lead ‘the prayers of the people’ or who’d like to learn to lead intercessions in church – relevant for both online and offline worship.
Led – on Zoom – by the Revd Sally Dakin, Spirituality Adviser
- Enquiries to
- Bookings to
Rule of Life Mini Retreats
- Tuesday 4th May 2021 2-4.30pm
- Thursday 13th May 2021 7.30-9.30pm
- Friday 28th May 2021 10am-12.30pm
- Monday 7th June 2021 2-4:30pm
- Wednesday 16th June 2021 10am-12.30pm
How might a Rule (or Rhythm of Life hep us to grow and be more fruitful in our relationships with God, with each other, and with the communities we’re part of?
Retreat format:
- Introduction and Prayer (online)
- Time Alone (offline)
- Plenary and Prayer (online)
The sessions will be held on Zoom, led by the Spirituality Adviser, Sally Dakin.
Book here.
COVID Morning Prayer
With St Thomas in Lymington, we continue to ‘pray for our nation, for its leaders, its health and essential services and all those who suffer’ this week at 9am on Zoom. Led by Jane Nicholson from St Mark’s and Sarah Salisbury from St Thomas, this now runs Monday through Friday. Please do join them either by computer or phone:
- Meeting ID: 895 2990 2640 Passcode: 2020
- Dial in from a landline phone: 0131 460 1196
Rachel’s art for sale!
If you’d like to purchase art that our priest Rachel has created and showed in our our worship recently, please check out our new Red Bubble shop. Profits from sales of these items all go to support the ministry of Pennington Church.
YouTube and Facebook
All our services can be found on our YouTube channel here. We also stream our services on our Facebook page too, here.
Lords Prayer
We invite you to video yourself on your phone or computer reading the Lords’ Prayer. Please then email your recording to
We’re now showing the Lord’s Prayer in our services with each line read by a different person and we’d love to include as many of our congregation in this as we can. Please be brave, and join in the fun. (Trust me, it was strange for me to get used to leading the service in front of a camera or a phone too.) Others in the congregation will be so delighted to see you taking part, as we are each encouraged by seeing those that we know and love.