The following activities are taking place each week. All are welcome to join us:
- 8am – BCM Communion Service
- 10am – Contemporary Service (Communion service on the first and third Sunday of the month, informal morning praise on the second and fourth Sunday of the month)
- 9-9:30am Morning Prayer on Zoom with St Thomas and St Mark’s – Parish Prayer zoom link
- From 10am – Zoom Study group on Pennington Church general zoom link
- 9-9:30am Morning Prayer on Zoom with St Thomas and St Mark’s – Parish Prayer zoom link
- 1.30-4pm – Strictly Come Crafting. 2nd & 4th Tuesday at the Community Hall. Contacts Dorothy Davies 01590 676163 or Shirley Saunders 01590 677628
- 2.30-3.45pm – Friendship Teas 1st Tuesday in month at the Community Hall. Contacts Shirley Saunders 01590 677628 or Pat Wright 01590 678416
- 9-9:30am Morning Prayer on Zoom with St Thomas and St Mark’s – Parish Prayer zoom link
- 10:15-10:30am – Morning Prayer at St Mark’s Church (4th Wednesday only)
- 10:30-11:30am – Coffee at St Mark’s Church (4th Wednesday only)
- 9-9:30am Morning Prayer on Zoom with St Thomas and St Mark’s – Parish Prayer zoom link
- 12-1pm – Advice Outreach, from NFDC and Citizens Advice
- 1-2pm – Fareshare Larder – St Mark’s Community Hall Car Park
- 9-9:30am – Morning Prayer on Zoom with St Thomas and St Mark’s – Parish Prayer zoom link
- 9-9:30am Parish prayers at St Thomas Church
Pennington Community Hub warm space
From the 2nd November 2023, Pennington Community Hub welcomes all residents to a Warm Space in St Mark’s Community Hall every Thursday between 2pm and 4pm until March 2024. Free tea, coffee and biscuits will be available.
Funding new play equipment for Pennington Junior School
Pennington Junior School, a Church of England school associated with ourselves at St Marks, are raising money for some new play equipment. Unfortunately what they have now is unsafe and has been condemned, so for the time being they have nothing to play on. More details on their Just Giving page:
Giving via the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS)
PGS makes it simple to manage your giving, whether that’s online, by post or by phone.
You can choose to increase your gift annually, which is the simplest way of maintaining the value of your gift each year and helping your church to plan for the future.
Even if you opt in to annual increases, it’s easy to manage and change your Direct Debit gift at any time so you always have total control over your giving.
All Souls service of Remembrance
At 3pm on Sunday 5th November, we will be hosting our annual service of remembrance for All Souls – where we remember the lives of those who have passed away. There will be a sheet at the back of Church for the next few weeks, so do please add to this the names of any friends or family members who you would like us to mention and pray for during this service.
With music, readings and poetry, we hope you will join us as we come together for an opportunity to hold before God those we hold dear in death as in life.
Choralia Remembrance Day Concert
All Saints Church, Milford on Sea – Saturday 11th November 2:30pm
Presented by Phil Daish-Handy and with a programme that includes Requiem by Matthew Coleridge, Ave Verum by William Byrd and The Time is Now by our own Leigh Jerwood. Tickets are £15 and in support of the Royal British Legion. Call 01590 644861 or visit for further details or to purchase tickets (which are also available from Leigh in church too).
Wednesday Coffee mornings
From October our coffee mornings will only take place on the fourth Wednesday of the month when the draw takes place. This is due to the lack of volunteers to open the church and provide the refreshments. If you would like to volunteer to help and keep a more regular schedule, do please contact Eve Jolly.
Remembrance Service, 12th November
We are looking forward to welcoming Jean Burgess, the Archdeacon of Bournemouth to St Mark’s, where Jean will be leading our service of remembrance at 10am and follow-on service at 11am by the war memorial. Do join us this day to remember the fallen souls in war and give a warm welcome to Jean.
Hampshire Home Library Service
did you know that Hampshire Libraries have a home library service? If you can’t get to the library due to ill-health, disability or caring responsibilities, the library can come to you. They arrange to deliver your library items to your home on a regular basis, for free. Find out more at Lymington Library, or by visiting https://tinyurl.com32ecujkx
Monday Study Group on Zoom
The study group continues on Monday at 10am on Zoom. The group will be looking at ‘Four Gospels, One Jesus’ – studying the 4 Gospels in comparison with one another. This is the link to the book to be used:
Ecochurch Recycling
Milk Bottle tops: we are no longer collecting these tops. Please put them on your empty bottles and put out in your kerbside recycling bags.
Medicine blister packs: we are also no longer able to collect these packs at the moment. If you know of anywhere these can be recycled please let Eve know.
Parish and Giving Update
St Mark’s PCC would welcome your help as we journey forward, with any volunteers who may be able to help in the aspects of our church life. Such as joining teams for parish visiting, events and refreshments or helping with our study groups; we are also wanting to fill a health and safety role – and would welcome any interested individuals to help in this position.
Financially, we are facing challenges as a church as many of our congregation and community likewise see. We are in the unfortunate position of seeing a large increase in our utility costs. With a rise of over 400%, we will be potentially seeing an increase exceeding £8,000 per year over church and hall. Although we appreciate the financial position of our congregation varies, if you are able to support us further now this would be most welcome. Many of our congregation donate through the Parish Giving Scheme; if you do not currently do so, we ask if you would consider starting – this is a great way for us to manage our finances. Alternatively, our weekly envelope scheme is available as an option too; details for both schemes are available from our treasurer and church warden, Teresa.
You may also want to give through alternative methods too, which won’t cost you to do so. For example, supporting us through services such as Amazon Smile or Easy Fundraising is a great way to use services you may already be using: with a percentage of the price you pay coming back to St Mark’s.
Our PCC would love to hear from you if you have any thoughts for how we may save money, or indeed increase finaces into the church. Do speak to any of your PCC members, or email ‘’ with your thoughts – we’d love to hear from you.
Our thanks to all for your support; our church is not a building, it’s the people within it who meet in a common love of Christ – and it’s together that we can move forward.
Daily Prayer
With St Thomas in Lymington, we continue to ‘pray for our nation, for its leaders, its health and essential services and all those who suffer’ this week at 9am on Zoom. Led by members of St Mark’s and St Thomas congregations, this now runs Monday through Friday.
Daily prayer is also taking place in St Thomas church from 9am on Saturdays
Coming together, we offer daily prayer for the situation in Ukraine.
Please do join them either by computer or phone:
- Meeting ID: 895 2990 2640 Passcode: 2020
- Dial in from a landline phone: 0131 460 1196
St Mark’s Flower Decoration
If you would like to give flowers to commemorate an anniversary or other special day, or remember a relative or friend, please enter your name on the poster at the back of church against the date you would like your flowers to decorate the church and/or contact:- Lin Haley on 01590 677904
YouTube and Facebook
All our services can be found on our YouTube channel here. We also post details about or services and events on our Facebook page too, here.
Online Connection Information
Zoom Details
- Pennington Church General Zoom link:
- From a landline phone: 0203 481 5240 Meeting ID: 944 5816 8956 Passcode: 1839
- Parish Prayer Zoom Link:
- From a landline phone: 0203 481 5240 Meeting ID: 895 2990 2640 Passcode: 2020